Picture of Beth Midrash
Regular Schedule
Please click here for our High Holiday schedule for 5771 (2010)
Morning Minyan:**Morning minyans have bagels for breakfast!
Sunday & Legal Holidays: 8:30AM Talmud class precedes Shacharit at 7:45. Our current topic is Tractate Megillah.
Monday, Thursday, and other Torah reading days: 7:00AM
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 7:15AM
Mincha/Ma'ariv: Based on Sundown. See schedule below.
Shabbat Services:
Friday Nights: Based on Sundown. See schedule below. Temple Israel's Friday night minyans are "Carlebach style."
Shabbat Morning: 9:00 in Sanctuary
Saturday Mincha: Approximately 15 minutes before candle lighting the previous evening. See the below table for more information.
During Daylight Savings Time, Parshat Hashavua (the weekly Torah reading) one hour before Mincha. Mincha is followed by a seudah shelishith. Ma'ariv is at the conclusion of Shabbat.



High Holiday Schedule for 5771 (2010)

Click here to see our regular service schedule.
Click here for the schedule for our High Holiday youth services.

Selichot - Sat., 9/4
Program and Collation 8:45 PM
Selichot Services         10:15 PM
Selichot services will be held each weekday through Yom Kippur after morning services.

Erev Rosh Hashanah - Wed., 9/8
Mincha/Ma’ariv       6:45 PM

Rosh Hashanah I - Thur., 9/9
Shacharit              8:00 AM
Tashlich                6:00 PM
Mincha/Ma’ariv*     6:45 PM 
Rosh Hashanah II - Fri., 9/10
Shacharit              8:00 AM
Mincha/Ma’ariv*     6:45 PM

Shabbat Shuvah - Fri. - Sat., 9/10-11
Kabbalat Shabbat* 6:55 PM
Shacharit              9:00 AM
Mincha/Ma’ariv*     6:15 PM

Yom Kippur – Fri., 9/17
Mincha                  3:30 PM
Kol Nidre/Ma’ariv    6:20 PM


Yom Kippur - Sat., 9/18
Shacharit              8:45 AM
Yizkor          Apx. 11:45 AM
Mincha                  5:00 PM
Neilah                  6:45 PM
Havdala &
Conclusion            7:44 PM

Sukkot Eve - Wed., 9/22
Mincha/Ma’ariv *    6:15 PM

Sukkot - Thu., 9/23
Shacharit              9:00 AM
Mincha/Ma’ariv       7:15 PM

Sukkot - Fri., 9/24 
Shacharit              9:00 AM
Mincha/Mincha       7:15 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat   7:34 PM 

Shemini Atzeret Wed., 9/29
Mincha/Ma’ariv       6:15 PM

Shemini Atzeret - Thu., 9/30
Shacharit              9:00 AM
Yizkot                 11:00 AM
Mincha                  7:15 PM

Simchat Torah - Thu., 9/30
Ma’ariv                  7:24 PM

Simchat Torah - Fri., 10/1
Shacharit              9:00 AM
Mincha/Ma’ariv*     6:10 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat   6:20 PM
* Denotes services held in Beth Midrash.


Click here to return to our regular service schedule.
Youth Services Schedule (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur)
Junior Congregation For 3rd Grade – Teenage, 11AM-12:30 PM in the Beth Midrash
Pre-K - Second Grade: 11:00 AM - 12 Noon in the Computer Room
(First and Second Graders will have the option of attending the Junior Congregation).
Babysitting for ages 3 and under, next to the Beth Midrash 11AM - 12:30 PM
Click here for return to our High Holiday schedule.
Click here to return to our regular service schedule.
Shabbat Candle Lighting times for Long Beach, NY 11561 courtesy of