We strive to be a synagogue which is central and relevant to the way people live their lives.

We seek to encourage learning and promote the religious, ethical and cultural traditions of Judaism through inspirational services, meaningful programming and community activities.

We always offer a welcoming atmosphere that stresses respect for the individual in an intergenerational environment.

We aspire to maintain and expand our membership base through recruitment, retention and outreach, with a special emphasis on youth and young families.

We pledge to build a strong and stable financial base through a fair membership contribution structure and the development of a fundraising strategy that includes planned giving, endowments and capital campaigns.

In the spirit of “Ahavat Yisrael” (love of Israel), we will continue our leadership role in the community and our support of Israel.

We envision our community as supporting our members in their balance of the two worlds in which they live: The world of Jewish Tradition and the ever-changing world of the 21st century.