Our Temple Israel Religious School is committed to providing our children with a comprehensive and innovative Jewish educational experience, built on the principles of teaching all Jewish children the ABC’s of Hebrew, Israel, Jewish Holidays, Mitzvot, Jewish pride and Jewish values in a loving, fun and nurturing environment.

We believe that a child’s religious education extends beyond the classroom. Dynamic educators serve as teachers and Jewish role models for a growing population of school age Long Beachers. Kids are exposed to a loving, accepting Judaism and discover their heritage through song, activities and classroom studies, designed to leave them with positive Jewish feelings. Our school program is a partnership between the Synagogue, the home, the Rabbi and the teachers. We want the children to model their religious behavior by living an active, committed Jewish life, which should include worship and deeds of kindness in their daily lives. Most importantly, intimate class sizes are ideal for developing a program tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of you and your child.

Our Religious School offers Jewish education for grades K-7, and full Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation.

The Temple Israel Religious School is non-denominational. All backgrounds and levels of observance are welcome. Please contact Revi Spinks through the Synagogue office at (516) 432-1410 or by e-mail at: hebrewschool@templeisraeloflb.org, to schedule an appointment and for a tour of our facility.

Click here for additional information for our community Hebrew school BMJLC.