Men's Club
Our Men's Club is always hard at work to support Temple Israel in any way possible!
Monthly Meetings:
First Wednesday of each month,
Dinner @ 7:00pm, meeting @ 7:30pm.
Our ongoing programs include:
- Yizkor Book: Our Yizkor book includes both the Yizkor prayers as well as an opportunity to memorialize your loved ones.
- Torah maintenance & Synagogue upkeep: A great opportunity to celebrate a simcha or memorialize a loved one.
- Catering a Kiddush: Sponsor a dessert kiddush starting at $100, or a Kiddush luncheon starting at approximately $10 per person.
- September/October: High Holiday ushering, Sukkah building & Breakfast, Sukkot Luncheon (held on Shabbat during Sukkot).
- A Night at the Races: Enjoy a lovely dinner and place bets on the horse races. Winning bets earn chances to win valuable prizes.
- Purim Carnival co-sponsored with Sisterhood & Hebrew School: A joint effort with the Hebrew School and Sisterhood, the Purim carnival includes fun & games, food, face painting, rides, and more!
- Pesach wine sale.
Join Men's Club:
Dues for Men's Club membership are $54 annually. Paid members are entitled to discounts on our many programs. For information about joining or getting involved please e-mail our Men's Club board, at or call the Temple office at (516) 432-1410.
Men's Club Officers:
President: Steven Garfinkle
Vice-President: Charles Monto
Treasurer: Michael Weiss