Temple Israel

Regular Schedule of Services

** Please call for current service times **

Shacharit: **Morning minyans include bagels for breakfast**

Sunday & Legal Holidays: 8:30am
(Talmud class precedes Shacharit on Sundays at 7:45am)
Monday, Thursday, and other Torah reading days: 7:00am
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 7:15am


Afternoons: Based on sundown.
Please See This Week @ T I, for current timing.

Shabbat Services:

Friday Night: Based on sundown.
Shabbat Morning: 9:00 am, in the main Sanctuary.
Shabbat Mincha: Approximately 15 minutes before candle lighting the previous evening.
Rabbi's Shabbat Shiur: one hour prior to Mincha.
Mincha is followed by a seudah shelishith.
Ma'ariv is at the conclusion of Shabbat.

Yom Tovim:

Please see This Week @ T I, for all Holiday service times.

Upcoming Events

TI Announcements